Thursday, January 22, 2009

Title irritating

So i went out with jane and syarini, i dont know when. Like i cant remember days anymore. Ive been working sooo soooo very hard.
Anyway, usually when i go town im not afraid of magical sticking anywhere, but with jane ah, must extra careful. She's got the "please ask me of my IC" face. Although she's legal already.

I just got back from work. I have just worked full shift for the first time. My legs nk patah already. And today, from 10am i start work, all the way to 10 pm when i end work, i was appointed to the fitting room. Its like a hell hole no one want to go. I almost died in there. Not to mention, how enclosed it is. So whatever smells that come in. They fucking never leave.
So i wake up, praying my nose will be blocked.

I miss my dear dear afiqah. I miss my friends. Zara has taken away my precious life.

But i go to work for a REASON!

Okay bye im tired

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